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Pakistan condemns terror attacks in Iran

Pakistan condemns terror attacks in Iran

Pakistan on Thursday condemned the heinous and dastardly terrorist attacks at police and security installations in the cities of Rask and Chabahar in Iran.

In a statement, the Foreign Office said, “We extend our heartfelt condolences to the families of the victims and pray for the recovery of the injured. Pakistan stands in full solidarity with the people and Government of Iran in fighting terrorism.”

“Pakistan condemns terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and is deeply concerned about the growing acts of terrorism in our region. It is a regional and global threat that requires resolute response,” it concluded.

Suspected militants killed at least 11 Iranian security force members and suffered 16 fatalities in attacks on Iran’s Revolutionary Guards headquarters in the southeastern province of Sistan-Baluchestan, Iranian state media said on Thursday.

The overnight clashes between the Jaish al-Adl group and security forces took place in the towns of Chabahar and Rask, state TV said.

“The terrorists failed to succeed achieving their goal of seizing the Guards headquarters in Chabahar and Rask,” deputy Interior Minister Majid Mirahmadi told state TV.

State TV said 10 other security officers were also injured in the fighting in the impoverished region, which has a predominantly Sunni Muslim population.

Jaish al-Adl says it seeks greater rights and better living conditions for ethnic minority Baluchis in Iran. It has claimed responsibility for several attacks in recent years on Iranian security forces in Sistan-Baluchestan.

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