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PPP refutes reports of rift between Bilawal and Zardari The Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) unequivocally dismissed on Friday any reports suggesting a rift between its chairman, Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari, and his father, former president, and party’s co-chairman, Asif Ali Zardari, deeming them as "baseless". Speculation of discord emerged from indications that Bilawal had traveled to Dubai, with some suggesting dissatisfaction with his father's recent interview on a private news channel, Express News reported. During the interview, Asif Ali Zardari remarked that his son was not yet "trained" enough in political matters. This comment arose in response to a question about Bilawal's continuous critiques of veteran politicians in political gatherings, urging them to step aside and leave politics for the country's youth to navigate Pakistan out of crises. Read More: Zardari envisions 'national unity govt' post elections Zardari acknowledged his son's talent but highlighted his "lack of experience" in political matters. He also clarified that he would be the final authority to issue party tickets for the upcoming general elections. The senior politician specified that while Bilawal leads 'the PPP,' he himself commands the Pakistan Peoples Party Parliamentarians, an electoral extension of the party. Addressing the alleged differences within the party leadership, PPP leader Syed Nasir Hussain Shah declared the reports groundless. As the Deputy Secretary-General of the PPP in Sindh, he emphasised that, as a large democratic organisation, the party naturally experiences differences of opinion, cautioning that dissent should not be equated with discord. Read More: Read More: Bilawal slams ‘traditional politics of electables’ Shah asserted that circulating news about disagreements between Zardari and Bilawal was unfounded, warning that those spreading false information would face consequences. He further clarified that Bilawal is currently in Dubai as per the scheduled plan and is expected to return before the party's foundation day celebration on November 30. The former provincial minister added that Bilawal is anticipated to address a significant gathering during the commemoration of the party's foundation day in Quetta on the same date.

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