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Where,When and how do You Get Your Horse In "Diablo 4" ?



You won’t be able to unlock the horse mount in Diablo 4 until the beginning of Act IV.

When you first arrive in Kyovashad in the prologue, you’ll acquire three quests: one for Act I, one for Act II, and the other for Act III. You can tackle these quests in any order (although some orders will be easier than others), but you must complete all three act quests before you can move on to Act IV.

There was one question that everyone was going to be asking as they played through the campaign:

“Where the hell is my horse?”

Luckily for you, we know exactly how to do it, but it’ll take a little bit of work. While it’ll take quite a bit of running across the huge world of Sanctuary, if you follow our guide, you’ll get your horse mount before you know it.

The horse has been a central feature of Diablo 4, something that did not exist in past games, but is now a feature of this new, sprawling map. But the answer is no, you did not miss some side quest or anything, you do in fact have to wait a while until you get your horse.

There are six (6) Acts in Diablo 4. You will not get your horse until the beginning of Act 4, which comes after the very, very long Act 3.

You will be given a question called Mount: Doran’s Favor, which kicks of Act 4. This will take you to Kyo-vashad, where you’ll be spending a lot of time, and you will get your horse.

The good news is that once you do this on one character, you will not need to do it again on other play-throughs, all other characters on your account will have access to the horse from the start.

The horse was one of the things we found a bit strange in my play through. It just felt really odd to sprint past mobs of enemies to get from place to place. Yes, the map is big, but there are quite a few fast-travel points, so we are not convinced a horse was entirely necessary, if they just could have added a few more way points. 

They also changed the TP system so it’s harder to keep those open. But of course you cannot use a horse inside dungeons or interior quest areas, so you still have to kill everything in those.

The horse is a big fixture for micro transaction cosmetics in Diablo 4. So much so that we feel like it was almost concocted for that purpose alone.

Usually people also suspect that in time there will be other non-horse mounts you can get, but this is where we’re starting. It’s not just that you can end up getting different kinds of horses (which gamesmanship, all function the same), you can also get adornments to your horse. Some will indeed be earned, like the Ashava horn that players got for beating the World Boss during the beta. Others, no doubt, will be sold.